Lagos Taskforce in midnight raids of major streets in Ikeja, displaces traders, arrests suspects


The Lagos Taskforce on Environment and Miscellaneous Offences (TASKFORCE) has raided major streets in Ikeja capital city during which traders who normally erect makeshift stalls to sell their wares were dislodged.

Some of the traders were arrested while their wares were also impounded. The raid which sources said was carried out at dusk when the activities of these midnight traders take place was personally led by the Chairman of the Agency, CSP Adetayo Akerele.

According to the Director, press and Public Affairs, Gbadeyan Abdulraheem, the raid would be a continuous one across major communities in the state stressing that the activities of these itinerant traders were incongruous with the state government planned mega city status for Lagos State.

He said, “In the interest of environmental decorum and maintenance of Lagos State’s Mega City status, the Lagos State Taskforce has expelled illegal Street traders from Alade Avenue, Orishe Street and Johnson Street, off Obafemi Awolowo Way which had been converted to mini markets and restautarants thereby causing serious human/vehicular traffic obstructions and serious environmental pollution along those routes and adjoining streets.

“The two-day raid which was led by the Chairman of the Agency, CSP Adetayo Akerele took place at dusk which it usually the period when the illegal street traders erect make shift shops and place barricades which occupy parts of the road and cause traffic impediments to vehicles trying to access those roads.

“Their activities have also been noticed to seriously flout laid down environmental laws of the State through indiscriminate disposal of waste and solid materials into the gutters which end up clogging up canals and drainage systems in the Metropolis.”

CSP Akerele described the raids which will be a continuous exercise as a step made in the interest of the citizenry who have longed for solutions to the menace of street trading which also encourages criminality.

Some of these locations serve as safe haven for criminals and they enjoy the proceeds of their criminal activities there.

The flooding experienced in some parts of the state is also partly as a result of improper disposal of waste that end up clogging the drainage channels, saying, “The activities of street traders at Johnson Street, especially at night is repugnant at all levels.

“They sell drugs indiscriminately there which is counter-productive to the society and they also contribute immensely to traffic build-up on Awolowo Road during rush hour at night when workers who have spent all day at work still shave to spend hours in traffic on Awolowo road just to get home.

“It is unfair to residents of this area and we will ensure that it is reduced to the barest minimum.”

Akerele reiterated the stand of the State Government on Street Trading and assured that all hands will be on deck to ensure that street trading is a thing of the past. He disclosed that the agency is collaborating with other sister Agencies to ensure that the environment is preserved as prescribed in the THEMES+ agenda of the State Government.

The Chairman appealed to all other recalcitrant street traders and vendors to relocate their stores to designated outlets designed for trading and vacate the streets and inner roads. He assured them that the Agency will visit every nook and cranny where activities of street traders have impeded the flow of traffic and inconvenienced residents one way or the other.

He urged residents who have useful tips concerning street blockages by illegal traders or any other useful information on illegal environmental activities to contact the agency through their social media handles or come forth with them to the Headquarters of the Agency at Bolade Oshodi. “We will continue to do our job in line with THEMES PLUS agenda of the State Government and the directives of the Lagos State Commissioner of Police, CP Adegoke Fayoade. All suspects arrested were carefully screened and those with genuine business were allowed to go while others will be charged to court.”



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